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Improvements In Vision Correction

The history of vision correction is vast and complex.  Before the invention on contact lenses people relied on glasses to correct imperfections in their eyesight.  Today, contacts have become the norm and LASIK eye surgery is replacing them.  There are advantages and disadvantages to each method in correcting vision and the choices become even more increasing difficult..

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Living Without Glasses or Contacts With Laser Vision Correction

Which of the five senses do you consider to me the most important? Which do you think you could live without?  Thinking about this brings me to a reality that life would not be the same if I could not see.  I can’t imagine living in a world in which I could visually not be..

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Overcoming The Demise Of Your Marriage

It is funny that many people believe men make out better when going through a divorce.  We often hear something about men being stronger able to move on faster than their sensitive counterpart.  This of course is untrue.  Many men have a more difficult time when going through a divorce as they feel that as..

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Create Success For Yourself Throughout The Process of Divorce

In this day and age it is hard to believe that there is still a prejudice when it comes to men going through a divorce.  Men are at a clear disadvantage in the eyes of the courts, media and laws.  The fact is that women and their divorce attorney’s know this and will work every..

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Feeling Your Way Through The Process Of Divorce

For women going through the divorce process regular everyday life can become hard to figure out.  Most women get married early in life before they have had time to truly find their own identity.  This makes it extremely hard when the only thing that has identified you for years, your husband and children are suddenly not the..

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