Tag: Legal Representation - page 4

Moving Forward After Your Divorce

It is pretty obvious; divorce is not great for your marriage.  With the obvious being stated it is important to know that women handle divorce harder than men. Don’t get me wrong divorce is hard for both men and women however truth be told men move on faster.  It is tough, but not impossible to..

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Divorce Done Amicably

When you enter into marriage the assumption is that you will stay married until death do you part.  No one goes in thinking about the day there marriage will end in divorce however it happens more often than not now a day.  If a divorce is eminent in your relationship and you are wondering how..

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Getting Set Financially After Divorce

When it comes to divorce the reality is that it does not matter who filed it will be an incredibly difficult time in your life.  It is important that, as a woman, that you get yourself set financially.  If you file, if he files it is all the same, you need to get yourself in..

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Trusting Your Instincts In Divorce

When women begin to consider divorce or start the process of filing for divorce they begin to receive lots of unwanted advice. The same thing happens to women throughout life I suppose. Consider when you first announced you were getting married, having a baby, quitting your job to stay home with your children; you name..

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Handling Your Divorce In Your Own Way

In our first installment regarding tips for your divorce we talked about the importance of looking out for yourself and not taking advice from other divorcees as it may not fit your divorce. We discussed looking as your divorce as its own separate entity as it is unique to you, your marriage and your situation…

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