Tag: local homes for sale - page 7

Secrets To Buying A Home In The New Year Continued

Bigger isn’t necessarily better:  We are naturally drawn in to the ideal that bigger is better.  The same is not true when buying a home.  A bigger home can often mean a bigger mortgage payment, higher expenses and more maintenance.  Also, buying the biggest, best home on the block can set you apart from the..

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Secrets To Buying A Home In The New Year

Keep All Money Right where it is: When you are looking into buying a new home it is crucial that you keep all of your funds right where they are.  For three to six months prior to buying a home avoid taking on any new credit card debt, making a large purchase or taking money..

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Home Improvements That Fall Short In Selling Homes

In this installment on home improvements we will look deeper into improvements that homeowners make that add no value to their home. If a homeowner is thinking of selling in the next two to five years they should relay evaluate the reasoning for the following home improvements as they do not add any value to..

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Home Improvements That Sell Homes

There are always a ton of must haves and wants on the list of home buyers.  For real estate agents the tricky part is finding what a buyer wants within their allotted budget.  It is important for both sellers and buyers to recognize what is important in regards to home improvements in the market.  Sellers want to make..

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Winter May Be The Perfect Time To Buy A New Home

Have you been thinking about purchasing a new home but are afraid to start looking now because the winter season is right around the corner? This article will bring a new perspective to home buyers that are uncertain about buying a home in the winter.  It is true that the spring and summer seasons are..

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