Tag: shrink sleeve labeling - page 7

The Purpose Of Custom Labels In Product Packaging

Product manufacturers, marketing experts, custom product label designers and consumers all view the purpose of the packaging label differently.  The one thing that is a common element between the ways people view package labeling is that it is the one way to tell the difference between products available on the market today.  The difference in..

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Shrink Sleeve Labels Benefit Product Marketing

Every option in product labeling comes with its own advantages and disadvantages.  Shrink sleeve package labeling has been around for quite some time.  Shrink sleeve labels represent about fifteen percent of the labeling market.  From superior security to economic savings shrink sleeves offer a large variety of benefits to product manufacturers.  This article will explore..

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Finding The Right Label For Your Product

Packaging labels in general are seen in the most simplistic manner as a way to distinguish between the vast array of product available in the marketplace.  In the most basic manner this is one of the roles the label plays however as a marketer the purpose of the products label goes much deeper. Custom product..

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Catch The Attention Of Your Target Market Using Shrink Sleeves

One of the most crucial points in introducing a new product or brand is catching the attention of the consumer that you are targeting.  Without customers purchasing your products they will eventually fail.  Bringing attention to your product is of utmost importance.  One way this can be accomplished is through product labeling.  Manufacturers must develop..

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Functional Labeling Found Using Shrink Sleeves

The world of labeling and packaging is a mystery to most of us.  When we go to the store we don’t really focus on what type of label or package the product is in.  However the label and package make a huge impact on what we purchase but it is all subconscious to us as..

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