Tag: Vehicle Dealer Bond

The Many Contract Bond Types In Construction

Contract Bond Types Contractor License Bond: Purchasing a contractor license bond is almost always a requirement of contractors before they are licensed to work on construction projects.  Depending on the laws within the state, county, city or even subdivision a contractor license bond could be required.  Without the necessary contractor license bond in place the..

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Checklist To Evaluate Contractors

Looking for a professional contractor for commercial or residential construction projects can be all consuming.  There are steps that need to be followed to ensure that the contractor you are hiring can meet the performance expectations while staying on time and within budget.  In order to evaluate the contractor’s ability to accomplish this you must..

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The Difference Between Licensed, Bonded and Insured Contractors

What exactly is the difference between a contractor that is licensed, one that is bonded and/or one that is insured?  Competition in the construction industry is brutal.  Wading through contractors to determine the most qualified individual at the most reasonable price leaves many consumers baffled. Where can consumers skimp and where shouldn’t they when it..

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The Process Of Obtaining Surety Bonds

Surety bonds are contracts between a business, bonding company and third party.  They are purchased by businesses to confirm the fiscal worthiness of a company as well as to offer affirmation on their reputation.   If a business should fail to comply with a contract the bond acts as financial coverage to the third party. Obtaining..

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The Important Of Surety Bonds

The bonding process may seem like a paperwork inconvenience.  The reality though is that without the financial support of bonds and the financial backing of surety bonding companies that often times the final result would not happen.  This is why surety bonding is so important throughout construction process.  Bonding ensures that all parties involved in..

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